The R.U.T.A. Report: Using Objections is the Key to Sales Success

Objections are not the end of the world. Surprisingly, they are the key to sales success. If you know them in advance, you can use them to improve your sales success.

Who brings up the “objections” in your sales calls? If your prospects do, you are always trying to catch up and are working from the back. Remember, a sale is made in every interview – either you sell your product or your prospect sells his objection. 

Objections are not the end of the world.  Surprisingly, they are the key to sales success.  If you know them in advance, you can use them to improve your sales success. 

You can be more effective by building your sales presentation around the most common and powerful objections you experience. Bring up potential objections first and you make the sale on the prospects’ terms. Answer the most likely objections during your presentation and pave the way for a smooth sales process. 

So, think about the objections you have the most difficulty handling. I’m talking about answering objections in advance in the course of your presentation. Do this instead of coming up with snappy answers to them when a prospect asks. Answering an objection is like trying to put ketchup back in the bottle – it’s possible, but usually very messy. Here are some tough life insurance sales objections and how to work them into your presentation BEFORE they are brought up in conversation:  

§  “I don’t need life insurance” becomes part of your presentation as – “At first, many people don’t think they need life insurance. Let’s talk for a minute about the possible reasons people like you can use life insurance in a worst case scenario…” 

§  “I don’t like life insurance” becomes- “I don’t like life insurance, most of my clients don’t either. The attractive part is what it can do for you.  Let me show you a few ways it can make a big difference.” 

§  “I want to think about it” – the all-time sales killer, becomes - “Usually at this point of the process my clients need to think about the purchase. That’s why we have a ‘think about it’ process to get to your important questions when we can work them together” 

§  “I can’t afford it” becomes – “Price is always a consideration in the purchase of life insurance.  Let’s take a few minutes to discover how this can fit into your budget…” 
When you use the objections you fear most, you’ll create the presentation that works best – for you and your prospect.  It’ll mean you help more and sell more.